Journal of Applied Food Technology
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Mutton is a type of meat that is rarely consumed by the public because it has a high saturated fat content. Mutton has good quality and characteristics and can be used as a functional product to improve body health by adding probiotic bacterial cultures. Mutton jerky can be an alternative to functional meat products. Mutton jerky is fermented utilizing a probiotic starter Lactobacillus plantarum for 6 hours (T1), 12 hours (T2), 18 hours (T3), and 24 hours (T4). The fermented mutton jerky is then dried in a cabinet for 8 hours and then examine. Total lactic acid bacteria was examined by dilution, pH value by pH meter, water activity by aw meter, and organoleptic properties by sensory test. The data of total lactic acid bacteria were analyzed descriptively. The data of pH value and water activity is processed with the ANOVA test and the nonparametric test with the Kruskal Wallis method. The result of this research show fermentation time on lowering the pH value and water activity. At the same time, the total lactic acid bacteria experienced a decrease in value which was analyzed descriptively. The conclusion of this research is that the longer the fermentation will cause a decrease in total LAB, pH value, and water activity and affect the panelist's assessment of the organoleptic test. Mutton jerky with the addition of L. plantarum bacterial starter, which was fermented for 18 hours, had the best treatment to produce low pH values and water activity.
Probiotics are beneficial bacteria found in probiotic products that can maintain the balance of microflora in the gut. Peanut chocolate jam has the potential to be developed into a probiotic food product. However, the shelf life of this product has not been determined so it is necessary to determine the shelf life using the Accelerated Shelf Life Testing method. This method uses the Arrhenius approach. Determination of shelf life through the calculation of total lactic acid bacteria, aw value, pH value, and total acid during storage. The storage of probiotic peanut chocolate jam used three temperature treatments: 4 ℃, 30 ℃, and 37 ℃. Observations of samples stored at 4 ℃ were made every 5 days until day 25, while samples at 30 ℃ and 37 ℃ were made every 3 days until day 15. The data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel 2016 through the presentation of data in the form of a scatter diagram accompanied by a trendline and then described descriptively. The shelf life of probiotic peanut chocolate jam based on best before stored at 4 ℃, 30 ℃, and 37 ℃ were 49.52 days; 10.98 days; and 7.64 days, respectively. The jam can still be consumed up to 255.29 days; 86.73; and 66.89 days but no longer has the benefits of the probiotics.
Red Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) is a plant known for its high antioxidant content, making it a suitable ingredient for probiotic water kefir beverages. This study aimed to investigate the impact of different sucrose concentrations in roselle water kefir on viscosity, pH, total yeast count, and hedonic quality. The experimental design used was a Completely Randomized Design. The treatments varied based on sucrose concentrations 6%, 9%, 12%, and 15% (w/v). The findings revealed that the addition of 12% sucrose resulted in a viscosity of 1.22 cP, pH of 2.93, total yeast count of 2.15 CFU/ml, and the highest hedonic quality. In conclusion, the addition of 12% sucrose (w/v) proved to be the optimal treatment, yielding a beverage with suitable viscosity, acceptable pH, favorable total yeast count, and an overall hedonic quality embraced by the panelists.
Soymilk is a widely popular beverage and often regarded as a dairy alternative. One option to increase the shelf life of soymilk is by converting it into soy milk powder. Foam mat drying technique offers faster drying process due to larger surface area and better rehydration due to more porous agglomerates. This research aims to determine the effects of egg white addition as a foaming agent in the foam-mat drying process of powdered soymilk on the water content, protein, solubility and hedonic quality. The research employed a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 replications, i.e., addition of egg white as a foaming agent at different concentrations: 25%, 30%, 35%, and 40% (w/v). The results showed that the increasing egg white concentration significantly increases protein content and reduces both solubility and hedonic quality of the powdered soymilk product. However, egg white addition has no significant effect on water content. The best powdered soymilk product was observed at 25% egg white addition, which gave a water content of 3.88%, protein content of 23.61%, and solubility of 61.06%.
Indonesia is a country with a high consumption of coffee, which is in direct comparison with the increased production of coffee waste. Arabica coffee husk (cascara) is coffee industry waste that has not been utilized optimally, which is only 0.76% of the existing potential. Cascara is known to have a secondary metabolite compound that can be utilized as a good product for human health. The effects of Arabica cascara fermentation time on the antioxidant and antibacterial activity of cascara beverage were studied in this study. This research is using a completely randomized non-factorial design. Cascara was obtained from Puntang Mountain, West Java, and was fermented with Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (previously known as Lactobacillus plantarum) for 10, 14, and 18 days. pH value was measured with a pH meter, total sugar content with phenol sulfuric acid method, caffeine content with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with drop plate method, total flavonoid and phenolic content with UV-Vis spectrophotometry method, antioxidant activity with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method, and antibacterial activity against Helicobacter pylori with disc diffusion method. Data were analyzed using One-Way ANOVA and DMRT test at the significance level of 0.05. The results showed that prolonged fermentation times reduce the quality of Arabica cascara beverage. The optimal fermentation times were found to be 10 days producing the best balance of pH (3.66), total sugar content (1.29%), caffeine content (0.043%), total LAB (1 x 107), total phenols (12.74 ppm), total flavonoids (3.40 ppm) and highest antioxidant IC50 activity (215 ppm) while for antibacterial activity has not been able to inhibit the growth of Helicobacter pylori.
Chicken nuggets with jack bean tempeh flour substitution are a type of perishable food, thus having a short shelf life. The shelf life of chicken nuggets with jack bean tempeh flour substitution and its quality were affected by the storage conditions. This study aimed to determine the effect of packaging type and storage time during 20 days of cold storage under vacuum packaging condition on the quality characteristics of chicken nuggets with jack bean tempeh flour substitution. The research design consisted of two factors, the first factor was packaging type (nylon/polyethylene (PE), nylon/polyethylene (PE)/polyamide (PA), and polyethylene (PE)/polyamide (PA)) and the second factor was storage time (0 day, 5 days, 10 days, 15 days, and 20 days). The results showed that the packaging type and storage time significantly affected the quality characteristics of chicken nuggets with jack bean tempeh flour substitution (p < 0.05). In conclusion, PE/PA was the most suitable plastic packaging for maintaining the quality characteristic of chicken nuggets substituted with jack bean tempeh flour during 20 days of cold storage under vacuum packaging conditions. The physical and chemical quality of chicken nuggets substituted with jack bean tempeh flour on the 20th day of storagewere pH of 6.43, cooking loss of 9.85%, moisture content of 39.46%, protein content of 24.51%, TVBN content of 16.44 mg N/100 g, and TPC of 5.36 log cfu/g. Meanwhile, the result of the sensory evaluation showed that scores for attributes were color 3.63, aroma 3.45, taste 3.5, texture 3.29, and overall 3.53 (like slightly) on the 20th day of storage.
Incorporating ginger into gelato can significantly enhance its physical properties and sensory attributes. Ginger contains bioactive compounds like gingerol, which contribute to its distinctive flavor and health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ginger can contribute to a smoother texture by interacting with the fat and protein structures in the gelato as well as can enhance the melting resistance of gelato, making it more stable and enjoyable to consume over a longer period. The addition of ginger provides a refreshing, spicy flavor that can elevate the overall taste profile of gelato. This study analyzed the impact of adding ginger extract at different concentrations on the overrun value, melting resistance, viscosity, and hedonic properties of gelato. A completely randomized design was used, with treatments including 0% (T0), 0.5% (T1), 1% (T2), and 1.5% (T3) ginger extract. Higher concentrations of ginger extract affected all parameters: overrun values ranged from 15.72% to 22.03%, melting resistance from 36.64 to 42.06 minutes, and viscosity from 10.06 to 12.76 dPas. Hedonic testing revealed that panelists preferred gelato with 0.5% ginger extract (T1). In conclusion, adding ginger extract to gelato significantly affects its overrun value, melting resistance, and viscosity, with the 0.5% concentration being most preferred by consumers.
Functional drinks are processed drinks that contain food components that are beneficial for body health and have good sensory evaluation. Functional drinks can be used to prevent degenerative diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Kombucha is a functional drink fermented from tea and sugar using a kombucha starter or Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY). Kombucha has functions as an antioxidant, antidiabetic, anticancer and antimicrobial. A variety of leaves that include phenols and bitter leaves with components that are beneficial to the body can be used to make kombucha. Palm sugar can be used as alternative sugar for kombucha fermentation because palm sugar has a low glycemic index of 35. This study aims to determine the effect of using palm sugar concentration on total dissolved solids, viscosity, pH value, total flavonoids, total phenols, and reducing sugar content. The research results show that the use of palm sugar can increase total dissolved solids, viscosity, pH value, total flavonoids, total phenols and reducing sugars. The best treatment is the use of 25% palm sugar with a total soluble solids value of 18.38˚Brix, viscosity of 1.37 cP, pH value of 3.43, total flavonoids of 0.275 mg QE/g sample, total phenols of 0.99 mg GAE/ml, and reducing sugar of 9.24%.
Lactobacillus plantarum Dad-13 is an indigenous probiotic that was isolated from Dadih. Peanut chocolate jam has the potential to be developed into a probiotic food product. However, peanut chocolate jam involves a heating process which can affect the number of probiotics and their metabolic processes. This research aims to determine the optimal temperature of L. plantarum Dad-13 probiotic powder in addition to peanut chocolate jam products. The different temperatures of probiotic powder L. plantarum Dad-13 addition at 30 oC, 40 oC, 50 oC, and 60 oC were used to measure total lactic acid bacteria (LAB), sublethal injury, pH value, and total acids. Total lactic acid bacteria and sublethal injury were measured by Total Plate Count (TPC), pH value was measured by pH meter and total acids were analyzed using the titration method. Results show significant differences (p<0,05) on total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and sublethal injury. Total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) resulting in a value of 8.04±0.02 to 7.67±0.05 and sublethal injury 0.04±0.01 to 0.26±0.03. Meanwhile, no significant differences (p>0,05) in pH value (7.20±0.16 to 7.30±0.15) and total acids (0.09±0.01 to 0.08±0.01). The best temperature of L. plantarum Dad-13 probiotic powder addition on peanut chocolate jam was at 30–40 oC because it showed the highest amount of total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and the least sublethal injury.
Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Ester of Monoglyceride (DATEM) has been used in bread making to improve its dough and final product properties. The efficiency of DATEM in bread with the presence of sugar is yet to be studied. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effects of DATEM addition on sweet bread properties, i.e., its water content, loaf volume expansion, porosity and organoleptic properties. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was employed with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The variables were the addition of DATEM, i.e., 0%, 0.15%, 0.3%, 0.45%, 0.6% (w/w) of the total flour. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with the significance level of 5%. The study showed that DATEM significantly impacts the physical and organoleptic properties of sweet bread. As DATEM concentration increases, so does moisture content, porosity, and loaf volume. Consequently, the texture becomes softer, and fewer crumbs are produced. Overall, DATEM enhances sweet bread properties, with 0.6% concentration yielding the best results. Sweet bread with 0.6% DATEM exhibited 34.05% moisture content, 76.86% loaf volume expansion, and 3.38 mm porosity.
Cardamom seed spice is a plant that has bioactive components which are thought to be able to act as a natural antioxidant, so it has the potential to be a natural food additive in functional food products. These bioactive components can be obtained by extraction method using distilled water as a solvent. However, there have not been many studies regarding the effect of the extraction time used. Therefore, this research aims to determine the effect of the extraction time of cardamom seeds in simplicia and powder form on the physical properties, total phenols and total flavonoids. The extraction method used is maceration with extraction time levels of 5 minutes, 7 minutes and 9 minutes using distilled water as a solvent. The extract obtained will be tested for physical, qualitative and quantitative properties of total phenols and total flavonoids. The research results show that cardamom seed extract contains phenolics and flavonoids compound with different strengths and the extract color is brownish yellow. The resulting yield was 27.14% with the highest of total phenols 168,796 µg/mL and total flavonoids 38,564 µg/mL in the treatment of cardamom seed powder extraction time of 9 minutes. Cardamom seed powder extract prepared with an extraction time of 9 minutes is more capable of extracting bioactive components compared to other time levels and simplicia form.
Fermentation of whey often faces problems with the product clarity due to the milk solids residue from previous cheese making process. The aim of this research was to determine the clarity and the performance of fermented whey precipitation process in the presence of pectin and chitosan as coagulant. Whey was initially pasteurized and added with pectin and chitosan prior to fermentation with mixed starter culture. Fermented whey was stored in refrigerator for 24 hours. Data were obtained using visual analysis by 15 semi-trained panelists. Qualitative scorings were given by (+) or (-) markings from the specified criteria. The data were compiled in a table, showcasing the observed characteristics at the initial and final states of fermentation. The results showed that the highest clarity (+++) was achieved by the fermented whey with the addition of pectin, as well as most stable sediment performance (+++) was also produced by pectin treatment. However, while fermented whey with the addition of pectin exhibited clarity, the level of clarity achieved by fermented whey with the addition of chitosan was superior.
This research investigates the physical and optical properties of single-layer and layer-by-layer biodegradable films composed of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and nanochitosan. Initially, HPMC and nanochitosan were formulated as single layers at various concentrations, and subsequently, the selected formulas were utilized to produce a layer-by-layer film. The results indicate that the concentrations of 0.4% w/v HPMC and 0.5% w/v of nanochitosan were successfully assembled into a layer-by-layer biodegradable film. Assessment based on multiple parameters (thickness, moisture content, water vapor transmission rate, color, transparency, and biodegradability) reveals that the deposition of nanochitosan onto HPMC in a layer-by-layer configuration enhances most characteristics of single-layer HPMC films, with the exception of optical properties. Moreover, all samples were degraded within a seven-day observation period.
Shrimps are well known as one of the healthiest seafood options, providing a huge amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals. However, shrimp is a highly perishable food, thus attempts to make innovative and healthy products may improve per capita consumption while lengthening the nutrient content shelf life. This research focused on the effects of different pretreatment salt concentrations at 0, 3, 6, and 9% on nutritional composition, microbial activity, and sensory evaluation of the shrimp powder samples. The analyses were performed in triplicate using the Association of Official Analytical Chemicals (AOAC) method for proximate analysis and physical analysis was used to determine pH, color, and water activity. The sensory attributes like saltiness, color, odor, texture, and aftertaste were measured using the hedonic scale method. Initial findings demonstrated significant differences in proximate composition, particularly protein content, ranging from 13 to 46% (w/w). There were also notable variations in color attributes among the shrimp powder samples. The lightness value varied, reflecting differences in the brightness levels of the powder, ranging from light to dark shades. The findings also revealed there were no significant differences in the total plate count among the shrimp powder samples which ranged from 3.50 to 2.69 Log CFU/g except shrimp powder treated with 0% salt concentration sample exhibited slightly higher counts compared to others which is 4.93 Log CFU/g. Sensory evaluation revealed variations in saltiness, color, odor, texture, and aftertaste profiles, with certain samples exhibiting stronger saltiness, color, odor, texture, and aftertaste, while others had milder attributes. These findings show that the most preferable salt concentration for brining shrimp is 3% because it can preserve protein content and have the best acceptability during sensory evaluation.
Human carcinogenic compound formaldehyde (alternative name, formalin) adulteration in food is inappropriate and illegal. However, its simple and cheap procedure in giving desired food preservation effect becomes the factor of its prevalence in Indonesian community. Our current study focuses on the usage of formaldehyde in meatball products which are sold in bulk without refrigeration in traditional market set up. Eighty different packages of meatballs were collected following accidental sampling method from small groceries in Tembalang, Semarang, Central Java in 2019. Samples were characterized for their formaldehyde content (AOAC 931.08), total plate count, moisture and organoleptic properties. Formaldehyde was found in 1 sample at the level of 176.2 ppm. Whereby, it was among only 4 % of samples that met the maximum microbial limit of 5 log CFU/g. The particular sample was characterized by pale color, rather slimy surface, chewy and weak meatball aroma. Note, this characteristic is not unique and is shared by several other samples. Therefore, this study brings an update that formaldehyde adulteration is still prevalent. The adulterated product has hardly distinctive sensorial properties which make self-evaluation difficult, thus exposing consumers to potential food safety risks.
Constipation is one of the disorders of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Lack of consumption of water and food with fiber are some of the causes of constipation. Treatment for constipation patients can be solved by administering laxatives through drugs (pharmaceuticals) or using polysaccharide parts from plants. There are at least three types of laxatives: bulking agents (having the ability to bulk up), osmotic agents, and stimulants. Polysaccharides can be sourced from whole or some parts of the plants. Each type of plant has different polysaccharide components, and their effects on constipation treatment are also specific. The study aimed to review the mechanisms of polysaccharides from various plants parts and explained the misconception of polysaccharide intake as a laxative agent in treating constipation. This review was based on literature studies related to polysaccharides from plants materials and their effects as laxatives in experimental animals. The review found that these polysaccharides have a positive effect as a laxative or digestive aid. In general, polysaccharides from several plants were extracted and characterized to be used as anti-constipation test materials. These polysaccharides can help increase the amount, weight, and water content of feces (bulk), increase peristalsis, speed up gastric emptying and transit time, as well as restore hormones that work in movement in the digestive tract, and improve the condition of the distal colon tissue. These studies are still limited to using animals as experimental test material in polysaccharides to treat constipation. In addition, it has the potential to be further explored regarding the possibility of clinical trials of polysaccharides in humans as laxatives.
This research aims to determine the best fermentation time to produce optimal buffalo colostrum kefir. Different fermentation times at 12, 24, 36, and 48 hours were used to measure the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of buffalo colostrum kefir. To produce buffalo colostrum kefir, fermentation process at room temperature (27˚C±1) was used. Viscosity was measured using Ostwald viscometer and Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) was measured digital refractometer. Titratable acidity was analyzed using titration method and pH value was measured using pH meter. Protein content was analyzed using Kjeldahl method and fat content was analyzed using Soxhlet method. The result shows no significant differences (P>0.05) in viscosity which results in a value of 0.92±0.09 to 0.80±0.04 cP. Meanwhile, it shows significant differences (P<0.05) on TDS (24.02±0.80 to 13.30±0.76 ºBrix), titrable acid (1.96±0.10 to 2.53±0.04%), pH value (3.95±0.03 to 3.37±0.04), protein content (14.41±0.94 to 10.57±0.68%), fat content (20.33±0.88 to 6.89±0.90%), total LAB (2.85x106 to 9.57x106 CFU/ml), total yeast (2.16x105 to 7.76x105 CFU/ml), and total microbes (5.15x106 to 5.21x106 CFU/ml). The best treatment was 36 hours of fermentation with 20% grain concentration (w/v) because it produced the highest total Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), total yeast, and total microbes so it is potential to be a probiotic drink.
The high demand for ready-to-eat (RTE) meat products is attributed to their convenience, safe, and healthy properties. The high nutritional content presence in the RTE meat product promotes the presence and growth of microbial pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella spp. It is considered to be the post-process contamination that is responsible for the shortening of a product’s shelf life which leads to spoilage or foodborne diseases. The aim of this systematic review is to develop and summarize the use of red ginger and turmeric bioactive compounds as antimicrobial materials to ensure their quality and extend the shelf-life of RTE beef rendang products. Thus, the current studies of coating technology of bioactive compounds and vacuum-sealed packaging are considered to be combined strategies that develop a more robust active packaging system. In order to gain a better understanding of this research field, a literature search was performed using the electronic databases Oxford Journals, Google Scholar, SAGE Journals, ScienceDirect, and Taylor & Francis which describes 26 primary studies. The findings state that the enhanced active packaging system by using bioactive compounds was associated with a significant prolongation of various RTE meat product’s shelf-life of up to 30 days of storage at room temperature. Moreover, the vacuum-sealed packaging in a retort pouch is also considered to improve the food safety environment against microbial contamination
Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is a liquid coconut product with a translucent color, a characteristic coconut aroma, and long shelf life. VCO can be made in various ways, including enzymatic, centrifugation, acidification, etc. In this study, the acidification method was used to manufacture VCO whereby the acid used is sourced from passion fruit. This study aims to determine the effect of passion fruit juice addition on the preparation virgin coconut oil. Several variables were employed in the current study, including passion fruit volume of 5 and 8 ml, incubation time of 12 hours and 24 hours, and incubation temperature of 36 and 48 °C in a Factorial Design. The amount of coconut was 660 grams and 660 ml distilled water. The results showed that the production temperature greatly influenced the free fatty acids produced. The best treatment was obtained on VCO with 8 ml passion fruit addition, 12 hours of formation time and 48°C incubation temperature, with 0.12% free fatty acids.
Coffee is one of the plantation commodities that is usually processed into beverage products. The most widely cultivated coffee in Indonesia is Robusta coffee. However, Robusta coffee has a lower quality compared to other types of coffee. Fermentation of coffee beans during wet processing can improve coffee quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the best fermentation time for robusta coffee beans in whey kefir so that quality robusta coffee powder was obtained from the water content, total dissolved solids (TDS) and antioxidant activity. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with different fermentation time treatments. Parametric data were analysed by ANOVA and followed by DMRT test. Antioxidant activity data were analysed descriptively. Longer fermentation times reduced the total dissolved solids (TDS) of the coffee beans. However, prolonged fermentation can also increase the water content and reduce antioxidant activity. The best treatment was found to be a fermentation time of 18 hours, which resulted in a coffee bean with a good balance of TDS (3.25°Brix), water content (4.67%), and antioxidant activity (16.09 ppm).
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