We planted far too much zucchini this year. Six plants to be exact (fools!), which is a lot for two people (our kids won’t touch it). So in truth I’ve been looking for any reason not to eat zucchini this week, and not to incorporate it into summer salads – which I realize is the opposite approach most people take. But here we are: a very simple corn salad that’s fragrant with basil, has a super simple lime-kissed dressing and some salty feta for good measure. I was tempted to add tomatoes or yellow squash but there’s also something really nice about just letting a few ingredients really shine. So that’s what this salad sets out to do. Keep Reading » The post Couscous Salad with Charred Corn and Basil appeared first on A Sweet Spoonful.
I was talking to Sam the other night about summer, about how everyone seems to look forward to it all year long – almost a remnant of childhood when you lived for the seemingly eternal vacation from school. But as an adult – and this is an unpopular opinion, I realize – I’m not sold. I’m just sweatier in my office everyday (we live in an old Victorian and don’t have AC) and there’s sort of this pervasive frenetic energy to do all the things before – gasp – the season ends. So we don’t have any bucket lists this summer other than trying not to feel frenetic. We’ve been sampling our fair share of ice cream cones, explored some new hiking trails, and dabbled in our garden – the kale and romaine have come and gone but the cherry tomatoes are on the horizon and the pride I feel when looking them up and down is … not insignificant. Keep Reading » The post Whole Grain Peaches and Cream Tart appeared first on A Sweet Spoonful.
There always seems to be a bit of rush when the first stalks of rhubarb hit the market, and this year we were gifted a big bunch from my sister Zoe’s garden up the road and ended up freezing it as we couldn’t get to it soon enough (kids, man). So today I had a blissful day off from work to do a little planting in the backyard, much-needed errands around town, and baked this humble skillet cake using up that vibrant harbinger of spring. Keep Reading » The post Rhubarb Skillet Cake appeared first on A Sweet Spoonful.
It may or may not be true that I’ve opened up a bag of the Easter chocolate I bought for Frances and Oliver last week and now, well, they’re history. So this past weekend I decided it was time to make something super chocolatey for Sam and I to share when the kids are (finally) in bed and we can settle into our night a bit. Keep Reading » The post Deep, Dark Chocolate Brownies appeared first on A Sweet Spoonful.
We made it to Maine. On one hand it feels like we just got here and on the other, it feels like we’ve lived here for quite some time. We met the neighbors on our lane (and have exchanged baked goods), live a few blocks from the ocean, and the market down the street sets up accounts so you can just walk on over and buy a chocolate bar and say, “add it to my tab.” Is this real life?! Keep Reading » The post A Dispatch From Maine appeared first on A Sweet Spoonful.
If there’s one thing I know about long road trips, it’s that snacks are pretty critical. And not just any old snacks. You need a good variety: some crunchy pretzels, something sweet, some chocolate, maybe some cheese. It was with this in mind that I mixed up these energy bites yesterday for Oliver and Sam to take on their epic cross-country journey (Frances and I will follow by plane this weekend because, let’s be real, there’s nothing about sitting in the car for nine days that sounds like a good way to spend the holiday season – to me, anyway). These little bites are packed with protein, not too sweet, and have a nice crunch thanks to the almonds. They just might be the perfect antidote to all those holiday cookies. Keep Reading » The post Coconut Almond Energy Bites appeared first on A Sweet Spoonful.
Good morning, friends. It’s been awhile. Like many of you, I feel like I’m finally exhaling after many months (years?) and it seemed like a good time to celebrate with a very simple fall dessert for all you pie lovers out there who are too tired to make homemade pie crust this year. You’re forgiven: 2020 has been a beast. Keep Reading » The post Pumpkin Oat Crisp appeared first on A Sweet Spoonful.
Looks like we’re going for quality, not quantity when it comes to ye ol’ blog this summer. Of course I know you all understand: to say this has been an unusual season is certainly an understatement. And ironically, while our summer plans have largely been focused around our backyard, it still feels like the season has whizzed right on by somehow. Keep Reading » The post Key Lime Pie Bars appeared first on A Sweet Spoonful.
There have been moments – many of them, if I’m to be honest – when I sit down to write a blog post and am not entirely sure how to begin or what to say. This current moment we find ourselves in is, of course, one of those times. In Washington state today, many businesses are closed to honor a day of silent protest. I’m up here at my desk still working, tying up loose ends before we leave for a family road trip this weekend – sitting here trying to decide what to tell you about cake. Do you need to hear about cake today? Do you need to hear about it from me? We’re full of questions right now about how to share, what to share, and when to share it. And on this rainy Friday as I’m hustling to get laundry done and figure out how to keep the kids occupied in the car for two days, we’re finding a lot of solace in little slices of this strawberry cake. So I’m sharing it today, thinking you might, too. Keep Reading » The post Strawberries and Cream Cake appeared first on A Sweet Spoonful.
Everyone keeps saying that now is the time to journal, so we can remember what was happening — and how we passed each day — during this crazy time. And I keep meaning to and then each day comes to a close and, well, it just seems like one more thing to do. But I find myself constantly making lists in my head of what I’d say, beginning with the interesting waves of realization, panic and acceptance that have struck our household over the past month. The slow down at work, Sam caring for both kids, getting scrappy with nightly meals, worrying about money, not sleeping nearly enough. Keep Reading » The post Brown Butter Oatmeal Raisin Cookies appeared first on A Sweet Spoonful.