Go Get a Roomie!
Experience the queer journey of an upbeat hippie and the friendships she makes along the way! A tale of self-discovery and love of many forms.
New comic! >> Read the first page here > Read the first page here <<-- original run version (single strip & old comments) ***** This is it :) Thank you for following this Rerun with me!! It's been wonderful looking back at GGaR together... and some of you were reading for the fist time too! Either way, I'm humbled by this whole experience, and I hope this story has given joy to many<3 (as it has for me<3) ***** And now for the mandatory you-can-find-or-support-me-here: support me and my comics on Patreon! (https://www.patreon.com/gogetaroomie) instead of twitter, look to the blueskies (@clovercomics.bsky.social) you can also follow me on the tumblr (clovercomics) and last but not least, instagrump (clovercomics_)
New comic! Yes, I had to bump my current webcomic a bit before we leave, I admit it! >>> www.littletinythings.com <<< If you want to check it out for yourself, the link's right there :) It's queer, it's buggy (tee-hee!), and it's already more than 200 pages! (the first part of chapter 6 just ended and, well, it's not the easiest story arc to get into 'cause heavy stuff happens you've been warned, but I promise it has the same kind of humor and light-hearted stories that GGaR could have as well!) And come back tomorrow for ONE LAST UPDATE!! and this time... it's really the end! Not to say that there can't be extra GGaR goodies once in a while, but it will be the end of the Rerun, the end of gogetaroomie.com content, for good!! OH BOY So please, do come back :)
New comic! All righty, this is it, this really is the end of the Rerun......... ON MONDAY MAYBE (bwahahahahaha, it never ends!) (just one or two tiny little things, promise ;)) See you Monday! Oh and fun fact about the panel with the van: it's thanks to my sister and her partner that I could draw such a nice looking (though very tiny) furnished van! They've had their #vanlife for quite a while and I could ask them several ref pics :D
New comic! Every little tiny things <3 (thanks Roomie for the occasion to plug my other webcomic! ;))
New comic! Lillian orders, Roomie obeys.
New comic! Lillian has an idea ;)
New comic! Don't know if I've already mentioned this or not, but you can thank the incredibly sweet folks supporting me on Patreon for this last little bonus chapter! This was a Patreon exclusive short a year or so ago, and they've kindly accepted that I share it with everyone for the end of the Rerun :) Thanks again<3 (and here's the link if you wanna also give a little something to support me and my comics! and have extra neat things at times as well :) https://www.patreon.com/gogetaroomie )
New comic! okay, here's ONE LAST Roomillian short before we end this GGaR rerun! Startin' Monday :)
New comic! End of the bonus chapter "Behind Curtains"! Oh but don't you go yet! There's another bonus chapter I wanna show you before we really really end this GGaR rerun!! Come back tomorrow for the title page, and then next week for the next roomillian cute and smexy scenes :)
New comic! Oh... who is that anyway? Listening in to our favorite sex enthusiast hippie? (who is very happy right now) A familiar face, perhaps... for those who read Little Tiny Things :)) (yes, the two webcomics are connected! More will connect, soon enough...)
New comic! Communication is important <3
New comic! Roomie doesn't quite know how to not be the active lover!
New comic! Go Roomie go! Next pages will be slightly nsfw :3
New comic! you be fine just the way you be :)
New comic! Enjoy :)
New comic! Let the smexies begin, for this bonus chapter<3 Enjoy!
New comic! HECK YEAH!! Let's have a bonus chapter right here on the Go Get a Roomie Rerun!! WHY NOT This extra Roomillian (smexy!) chapter was made after GGaR ended, as a Patreon early access deal at first, before being made public and accessible on Hivemill! Enjoy :)
New comic! Aah, this ending... Not everyone understood, or liked, the ending. Many wanted something a little more... traditionally (typically american) happy ending like? But I'm not moved as much by weddings as I am with other things. Like WOC being reunited with her love. And death not being an end, or just sad, but a beginning as well. These sorts of things. But! Like I had said in the original run, when this ending came around, and certain readers did not enjoy the idea of WOC leaving everyone like this: take this ending as you want to take it. WOC doesn't have to die to be with Alice, necessarily. She can be snoozing off and meeting her in her dreams, for example. That's a great ending as well, and I want it to be yours more than mine, so it's your choice, in the end, that matters! It was made to be poetic more than anything, the meaning is up to you. Now here's the reminder that, as much as this is an ending for the original run, I had made bonus Roomillian strips that I want to share with you next! So come back Monday for more GGaR!! :D *This is a rerun of the finished webcomic Go Get a Roomie! You can find these two strips in the old archive >here
New comic! Ah, there you are :) I thought it'd be nice including you in the strip, I'm glad you took the photo for them here
New comic! You know it's a good strip when there's a lot of blushing happening ;) I'm so glad I brought these two into existence. I'm so glad they have their place in the world now. They're my children and I love themhere
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