AAAS: Science Advances: Table of Contents
Science Advances: Open access, multidisciplinary science journal.
A polyelectrolyte-based wireless and drift-free iontronic sensor can measure prolonged loads in implants.
A DNN model reveals how sex-specific steroid variations influence aging, offering fresh insights into biological age prediction.
The longest sediment core (30 m) from a marine sinkhole provides an excellent cyclone-frequency record for the past 5700 years.
Boot sock sampling is an informative and valuable approach to assessing soil fecal contamination in informal settlements.
A polyvalent antibacterial vaccine could selectively kill tumor-associated bacteria to prevent cancer metastasis.
Linking ion migration with lattice dynamics offers a doping blueprint for stable, efficient perovskite devices.
A molecule-induced ripening control strategy enables perovskite QLEDs with a maximum peak EQE of 26.0% and a T50 of 10,587 hours.
Prior-adaptive probabilistic deep learning swiftly and reliably identifies all realistic structures from reflectometry data.
Advanced spike sorting based on self-supervised learning unveils the effects of Tau on hippocampal neuronal activity.
Spraying water microdroplets causes an electrical discharge between oppositely charged droplets that enables chemical reactions.
Genome-wide survey of human and mouse DMD tissues suggests EZH2’s role in satellite cells; its inhibition improves prognosis.
A crucial neuronal background current is regulated by the neurotransmitter release machinery.
Oral treatment with obeldesivir protects macaques from lethal infection with Ebola virus.
The Taodonggou refugium helped the rapid establishment of a diverse terrestrial ecosystem after the end-Permian mass extinction.
Targeting NPY1R reduces mutant p53–dependent pancreatic cancer metastasis.
Choice of counterions and the assembly temperature influence the isothermal assembly of DNA nanostructures.
A liquid-like soft robot moves on medical meshes and stents to remove pathogenic biofilms and kill the bacteria within.
An oxygen-excluded nanoimaging method enables nanoscale visualization of polymer by selectively labeling non-oxygen domains.
A magnetoelastic intelligent keyboard utilizes personalized keystroke dynamics.
Plastic consumption in seabirds causes blood signatures of widespread organ damage including brain, stomach, kidney, and liver.
Synaptic dysfunction underlies brain connectivity alterations in 22q11DS, a syndrome linked to neuropsychiatric disorders.
An MRI probe detects early liver fibrosis by imaging FAP, enabling disease monitoring and treatment assessment.
Single-particle imaging reveals the mechanism of GLl transcription factor transport in the primary cilium for Hedgehog signaling.
Photothermal performance improved by strong interaction between plasmon resonance and topological surface state was demonstrated.
Uncovering genetic architecture, druggable targets, and repurposed drugs for brain aging.
A large microRNA cluster represses transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of a nematode predatory trait.
Electron-phonon coupling enables heralded single-photon generation in the mid-IR.
The Y chromosome modulates sex differences in valve cells during aortic valve calcification.
Dynamic polymers offer a promising platform for promoting and for restoring the activity of enzymes.
CK2-mediated MLX phosphorylation is an evolutionarily conserved signaling pathway that controls sugar and lipid metabolism.
Ndrg3 maintains naïve T cells in a quiescent and viable state in secondary lymphoid organs.
In HIV infection, U6 snRNA leaves the nucleus and is packaged into extracellular vesicles to aid in intercellular communication.
After a decade, a community with restored red coral nears the functional structure of natural ones.
Multiomic analysis identifies critical roles of timed oxygen tension elevation on early neural development in cerebral organoids.
Comprehensive profiling of spatial 3D genome in GBM identifies GBM-specific features and their intratumoral heterogeneity.
Enterovirus protease 3C recognizes the cloverleaf RNA of the viral genome by symmetrically interacting with dsRNA stem as a dimer.
An ABC lipid transporter both protects neurons against phagocytes and enables phagocytes to attack and eat live neurons.
Microrobotic microgel particle swarms enable targeted delivery in tortuous bronchial trees.
Genetic screen finds lipoylation as a target to improve radiation success in lung cancer by blocking DNA damage repair.
Computational modeling reveals how uncertainty transforms harmless stimuli into perceptions of pain.
Flow overcomes antibiotic resistance.
A machine learning platform identifies and characterizes the dynamics of microbehaviors during fly sleep.
Splenic red pulp macrophages eliminate Streptococcus pneumoniae by using anti-phosphocholine natural antibodies and complement C3.
A class of PtCo bifunctional fuel cell catalysts with exceptional CO tolerance and ORR activity has been developed.
Paralemmin-1 organizes the submembrane cytoskeleton at the nanoscale.
Comparative proteogenomics reveal ecophysiological feats of Desulfobacteraceae for carbon and sulfur cycling in marine sediments.
Citrulline acts as an endogenous metabolite antagonist to aging and inflammation by regulating mTOR-HIF1α-glycolysis pathway.
Variations in erbb2 expression activate the PI3K-Arp2/3 pathway, promoting tension heterogeneity essential for heart development.
Releasing laboratory mice into the natural environment enhanced maturation and activation of the humoral immune system.
Adhesive lubricative Janus nanocoating enables long-lasting comfort ocular surface drug delivery for treating ocular diseases.
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