girl ain't got no butt
we all saw it coming
Anh's heart is in the right place (her chest)
high capacity buttfors are illegal in canada
What if there isn't even a mop at all?????
it's a Pintsize joke, you see
You gotta admit, when Anh makes a decision, she really makes a decision
SO charming :)
Anh is so charming! :)
And is a perfect fit
Anh is back! Hooray!!!!!
lotta hugging this week!!
Mom vibes...
A few graves
Hi Willow
Hello Melon
Hur hur hur
g'morning Porsche
he's only a medium-level silly
it's got kitties on it!
the mortifying ordeal of being Ayo
Beep beep
Whew! Sorry for the long absence of RSS. I think we've finally got it figured out.
The space station arc! Definitely the most ambitious thing I had attempted in the comic at that point, and honestly beyond my capabilities at the time. But that’s how you grow- you bite off more than you can chew, and you fuckin figure out how to chew it anyway. And then you choke a little and cough bits of food all over the place and everyone at the restaurant stares at you and you realize that the metaphor has escaped containment and is rampaging through the countryside. I forgot where I was going with this. Anyway, Hannelore is the best.
Welcome to the start of Director’s Commentary month! Or as I call it, Directember. I don’t call it that. ANYWAY It felt appropriate to start with the first QC strip I ever made! For the rest of these entries I think I’m just gonna hit the “random comic” button and write about whatever pops up. It’s funny how even this incredibly rough comic still held some elements that persist to this day. I was in the ballpark with Pintsize’s original design, but making him less baby-shaped was definitely a good choice. The vertical panel layout was also a smart move, considering how small displays/browser windows were back then (and we didn’t even have smartphones yet, dear god). On the flip side, losing the goofy dialog font and drop-shadow speech bubbles was also a good decision. I don’t really remember why I thought the zigzag panel thing was cool, I guess because it looked “different?” And of course there’s Marten’s TEH shirt which somehow persists to this day. Fun fact: up until I was about 14, if you had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have said “a cartoonist.” Then I heard Nirvana and my head exploded and I was like “FUCK comics I wanna be a ROCK STAR” and so I only did music stuff for the next several years. Looking back, I would not have been happy as a rock star. I’m glad I went back to comics, which ironically happened because I was tired of being in bands and wanted a creative outlet I could do on my own. I remember when my BIG UNREALISTIC GOAL was “maybe one day I’ll have 10,000 people reading my comic.” Several hundred thousand of you and 21 years later…
And that concludes QC for this year! I'll be posting some Director's Commentary on old strips I find interesting for the next couple weeks, as well as maybe some other stuff. Just gonna chill and do what seems fun for December. Regular QC will resume in January. Thank you so much for the kind messages and support, I'm so incredibly lucky to have such amazing readers and I can't express how grateful I am to have you reading my work.
eider you get the joke or you don't
Y'all, I have been drawing QC for 22 years without anything even resembling an actual vacation in longer than I can remember. I have drawn over 5000 comics. I am tired. So I'm taking December off. The last regular QC comic of 2024 will be this Friday. It will resume in January. This is not the end of QC. I promise. I'll still be posting stuff to patreon and to the website. There'll be a couple weeks at least of "director's commentary" on random old strips. I spent some time today hitting the "random comic" button on my site and writing a lil' thing about whatever comic I happened to land on. And maybe I'll do some other stuff, I dunno. The main thing I need to do for the next 4 weeks is, for the first time since 2003, not make comics. I'd appreciate it if you stuck around. I have to admit it is pretty fucking scary to be taking a break for the first time ever. What if everyone leaves and doesn't come back? AAAAAA. But despite that (hopefully irrational?) worry, the moment I actually said the words "I'm thinking about taking a break" to my wife a couple months ago, I knew it was something I desperately needed. I need time to recharge, and do things that aren't related to the comic, and just fucking chill for a little while. So that's what I'm gonna do. Thanks for your patience and understanding. It may sound fake but I am honestly already looking forward to getting back to work in January. I have a ton of ideas I'm really excited about, and the thought of coming at them fresh feels really good.
THESE two….
These two
it was Chair Pose Night at yoga tonight and my legs are very angry at me
now *I* want donuts >:(
a co-opolycule
okapi Hannelore...
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