Joel on Software
A weblog by Joel Spolsky, a programmer working in New York City, about software and software companies.
Since the 1990s, the web has been a publishing place for human-readable documents. Documents published on the web are in HTML. HTML has a little bit of… Read more "Progress on the Block Protocol"
You’ve probably seen web editors based on the idea of blocks. I’m typing this in WordPress, which has a little + button that brings up a long… Read more "Making the web better. With blocks!"
The other day I was talking to a young developer working on a code base with tons of COM code, and I told him that even before… Read more "Kinda a big announcement"
Sometimes simulating complex systems is the best way to understand them. Read more "HASH: a free, online platform for modeling the world"
For the last couple of months, Prashanth Chandrasekar has been getting settled in as the new CEO of Stack Overflow. I’m still going on some customer calls… Read more "So, how’s that retirement thing going, anyway?"
Last March, I shared that we were starting to look for a new CEO for Stack Overflow. We were looking for that rare combination of someone who… Read more "Welcome, Prashanth!"
We’re looking for a new CEO for Stack Overflow. I’m stepping out of the day-to-day and up to the role of Chairman of the Board. Read more "The next CEO of Stack Overflow"
New product: Stack Overflow for Teams lets you direct questions to members of your own team, company, or organization. Read more "Announcing Stack Overflow for Teams"
There's this popular idea among developers that when you face a problem with code, you should get out a rubber duck and explain, to the duck, exactly how your code was supposed to work. Read more "Strange and maddening rules"
I had to think for a minute to realize that Stack Overflow has “gamification" too. Not a ton. Maybe a dusting of gamification, most of it around reputation. Read more "A Dusting of Gamification"