Awkward Zombie
Gags and goofs about videogames and the things that happen in them.
New comic! Today's News: Sometimes my camera would inadvertently pan up and if I had line of sight to the sky I'd see a very pretty background vista that lots of people probably worked very hard on. Soon enough, the spell would be broken, and I would be back to keeping my game's visuals on what's important (scrounging, etc).
New comic! Today's News: Every social link story arc has a point where the character goes through some manner of rough time and needs their ol' pal Protagonist to set things right. They just have to hope it doesn't happen right before a new game mechanic gets unlocked, or else their problems are never getting solved.
New comic! Today's News: Sometimes there is important princess business happening at the bottom of the well, you see.
New comic! Today's News: The protagonist in the original Dragon Age is essentially railroaded into joining the Grey Wardens, which explains how you as the player are able to deal with the threat of the darkspawn and the blight without succumbing to it. As the series goes on, we seem to be straying from that premise.
New comic! Today's News: When I saw the huge empty dorm roof map with three tiny garden beds in the corner, my assumption was that I'd be able to expand that, but after a while I realized I was wrong. High schoolers are only responsible enough to grow three tomatoes per month.
New comic! Today's News: I don't like opining about politics on the internet -- I wouldn't want to cramp any other Tiedrich's style -- but hear me out. Bad things are moving quickly in the United States. It's hard to even point at any one thing, because what's freaking me out today is going to be upstaged by whatever disaster unfolds tomorrow. Did you know that a literal coup happened over the weekend, and the federal government's ability to disburse funding is now being held hostage by Elon Musk, a white nationalist freak whom no voted for? Meanwhile, the opposition party has been tweeting about bipartisanship and the price of pizza. It has been pathetic, to say the least. In the event that you are a person who lives in the United States and are as angry as I am, please join me in yelling at your own representatives. Democrat or republican: it's fast and easy! I like using 5 Calls -- you put in your zip code and it serves up your representatives' contact info, as well as scripts for you to recite if you have trouble on the phone. It takes about a minute to leave a voicemail, and I do it multiple times a day. While being annoying to people in power can be cathartic, I am not under the impression that it will solve everything. Please show up for your community in whatever material ways you can; you can join an organization like your local Democratic Socialists of America chapter to find out how.
New comic! Today's News: I sort of wish I understood that Granteson was included with the address when I bought it.
New comic! Today's News: I'm sorry but you can't start giving exposition right next to those tasty crates and expect me to listen. I just hope no ever expects me to act stealthily, or to respectfully traverse a cemetery.
New comic! Today's News: Well...I do want Mohenjo-daro to like me. I'm pretty sure Civilization VII comes out in a month, so it seems like a relevant time to post a comic about Civilization VI. You can always trust me to be on the cutting edge.
New comic! Today's News: Someone needs to learn the meaning of catching 'em all.
New comic! Today's News: Picking boxing gloves as your signature weapon is a bold choice when you are regularly expected to demonstrate fine motor skills.
New comic! Today's News: I'm not even sure Bowser realizes those Goombas aren't currently on the clock for him. He does that all the time.
New comic! Today's News: Maybe after a history of being captured in bottles by inconsiderate adventurers, fairies in Hyrule have come to crave the situation's safety and solitude, as it shields them from their natural predators (other people who want to put them in bottles).
New comic! Today's News: This is so not daijobu.
New comic! Today's News: I find the best psychological offense is to spend at least ten minutes meticulously planning to start the map before running away. Keeps 'em guessing.
New comic! Today's News: You idiot. You fool. You should have worn a light shirt and warm pants instead.
New comic! Today's News: Maybe working at the movie theater will help me with these trigonometry problems.
New comic! Today's News: It turns out these don't mark a collectable to be picked up -- if you do a little twirl on them, a coin pops out. It's just a neat little thing. Until I broke down and looked this information up, I had been accumulating a compounding sense of dread that I'd be expected to remember where all of these pebbles were later. I don't think modern games are generally that cruel anymore, but I still expect them to be. Some wounds never heal.
New comic! Today's News: Maybe it's because modern apps like Cornell Lab's Merlin Bird ID makes identification accessible to new potential bird enjoyers? Maybe every else finally caught on that spotting a new bird satisfies the urge to catch them all? Maybe my age cohort is just old people now.
New comic! Today's News: Sorry, but there's a very interesting dog I could be talking to right now.
New comic! Today's News: Individual seahorses getting tired the more you race them is a neat mechanic to try to govern the number of races you can complete in one visit to the Sea People's village, but it takes so long for them to recover that it feels more efficient to just cycle in new seahorses instead of growing attached to any one horse, somewhat defeating that idea. And yes: I am going to eat the losers.
New comic! Today's News: This comic was written by Omnithea. It is about flying too close to the sun.
New comic! Today's News: It's that time again: Please come join me and my friends as we contemplate dinosaurs.
New comic! Today's News: It's a matter of pride.
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