PREQUEL – The adventures of Katia Managan
The adventures of Katia Managan
Well yes of course you’ve thought about it but food gifts always exist in this weird place where you’re implicitly saying that the recipient doesn’t usually eat food this good which in a best case scenario means the gift is an attack on their tastes and in a worst case scenario it is an embarrassing [...]
The mysteries of Quagmire are a closely-guarded secret to maintain the plane’s mystique. Which is to say, the ground does exist, but you’re not supposed to tell anyone. Eons of falling seeds have germinated a veritable jungle of soft vegetation miles below. Should someone ever miss a jump, place a tarsus in the wrong spot, [...]
You try, for the many-thousandth time, to ingest one of the phrases. Perhaps your command over the dream-creatia has finally crossed the threshold where it can emulate taste? You did unlock the secret to making the ☹ glyph just earlier this century. Alas, the words dissolve on your mandibles with no flavor other than that [...]
Un… unthinkable! An icy chill runs down the back of your exoskeleton as the name enters your mind, your very animus shuddering at the sound of it. Something about its form, its essence… it is far too lissom. Too pilose. Too disturbingly… feline. A crippling fear of all things catlike has burned within you since [...]
Far away in an unknowable direction, an eternal being of no particular importance stands on the starry, indigo precipice between dreams and reality. Across the eons she has been called many names, and for countless centuries more she has held no name at all. Yet the one she bears now, bequeathed to her by the [...]
Oh, right. Bi-hourly mindwipe. Not wanting to be rude, you think about how you are Katia Managan (officially on file as “Slutty Meatsack”), a novice conjurer who is very happy to meet the skeleton and hopeful that you aren’t interrupting its swim. How’s the water? The skeleton smiles with a warm reassurance that you are [...]
ELEVEN! HE’S LATE. Like you said, you’re sure Asotil is fine. Imperial Legionnaires are the Empire’s best-of-the-best; even that orcish bandit with the angular, rock-hard abs, luscious, steely pecs, and tight, herculean glutes said he steers clear of the Legion. Their patrols are what make Cyrodiil’s roads the safest on the entire continent. Safest for [...]
You decide to go for the safe middle ground of being mildly offended while also recognizing that you are pretty cool. Protecting yourself against dark elf bandits would be handy, yeah, if they didn’t basically all live on the other side of the country. The chances of you running into something fireproof are pretty low. [...]
Nevermind, forget pessimism! You know exactly how you’re going to spend the next two hours until Asotil shows up. Alright, wait, nevermind again. You’ve apparently lost your internal conflict and uncertainty, and now lightning doesn’t work. If nothing else, you’ve at least set a new record for how quickly your hopes can be raised and [...]
You’re not going to leave now, when Asotil is probably only an hour or two from arriving. He explicitly told you he was going to get his schedule shifted by six hours, and that he was going to meet up with you and travel back. Even if he got reassigned to another road or something, [...]
Knowing that you have one and a half gallons of magicka isn’t exactly enough for you to make a gauge out of it. You’d still need to know what total amount that is out of, and have some way to tell how much it’s changing by each time you cast a spell. The first question, [...]
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