Iron Fist Origin
A dragon gave him his powers after he defeated him. I like my version better.
Click for full size Sorry for the late update, I changed my computer and had to re-install a lot of stuff. I do find funny a comic about upgrades happened because I upgraded my computer.
Click for full size She got the powers of turning her skin green. And a friendly reminder, I do have a patreon for those who want to help keep the lights running.
Click for full size Warning: Uncle may die as a side effect of you acquiring spider-powers.
Click for full size I'm sure the whole fungus face does not bother everybody, but how the game looks is very important for me and I think Avowed spend their visual budget on the wrong ideas. I am not against game with ugly features, but like horror games, it's not a feature I enjoy and if the devs put the ugly as a forefront (if optional) feature it make me believe that's what they value. I'll stick to mechas, hot chicks and ninjas.
Click for full size Stop. Hammertime!
Click for full size Baka Groot! SLAP!
Click for full size I am not especially against always online stuff, but that's yet another point of failure on a system without many redundancies. You have your console, your TV, electric energy, internet and now the PSN itself. Any of those breaks and you can't play your game. In comparison, to play chess with your friends you just needed the board and pieces. I am not saying chess is more fun but just to show the reliability.
Click for full size Namor is kind of a big deal, but not THAT big of a deal.
Click for full size I have no idea of her real origin, and I suspect I am better off that way.
Click for full size Iron Fist went from hero to zero very fast. It's not like he was nerfed or the healers got buffed, people just learned how to deal with him. His damage output is not that high and he is not very tanky. Can he kill people? Yes, but often he will die doing nothing and before that he will put no pressure since he needs to hide and flank. Still a fun hero to use, but not one I'd recommend. One of the few heroes I think has no place in the current meta and could be easily be replaced by something like Star Lord or Black Panther for better results.
Click for full size A dragon gave him his powers after he defeated him. I like my version better.
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